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This unit describes the competencies required to facilitate the training of carrying out advocacy and lobbying activities. It involves identifying target groups, carrying out problem analysis, assessing advocacy resources, gathering advocacy resources, preparing advocacy campaign plan, building advocacy partnerships, carrying out advocacy and lobbying activities and undertaking advocacy and lobbying follow up. It also includes documenting advocacy and lobbying activities. 


These describe the key outcome  which make the workplace function 
These are assessable statements which specify the required level of performance for each of the elements. 
(Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range)

1.Identify target groups 

1.1 Project Boundaries Are Established as per organization policy 
1.2 Local leadership is informed as per organization policy 
1.3 Beneficiaries are identified adhering to gender and inclusion as per the SOPs 
1.4 The process is documented as per organization policy 
1.5 Report is prepared as per SOPs. 

2.Carry out problem analysis 
2.1 Assessment tools are developed as per organization policy 
2.2 Assessment team is identified and trained as per organization policy. 
2.3Assessment is conducted as per the SOPs 
2.4Findings are analyzed as per SOPs. 
2.5Report is prepared and disseminated as per organization policy 

3. Build advocacy partnership 
3.1Identification of relevant advocacy partners are identified as per organization policy. 

3.2Community collaborating advocacy partners are established as per organization policy. 
3.3Advocacy partnerships are strengthened as per organization policy. 
3.4Planning and review meetings are conducted as per the SOPs 

4.Assess advocacy resources and prepare advocacy campaign plan 

4.1advocacy objectives are identified as per organization policy 
4.2Activities are identified as per organization policy. 
4.3Work plan is prepared as per the activities identified. 
4.4Budget is prepared as per the work plan 
4.5Resources are determined and allocated as per work plan 
4.6Timeframe is developed as per organization policy. 

5.Carryout advocacy 

5.1 Adequate logistical plan is prepared as per organization policy. 
5.2 Advocacy plan is implemented as per organization policy 
5.3 Advocacy plan is monitored as per organization policy. 
5.4 Report is prepared and shared as per SOPs. 

6.Undertake advocacy and lobbying follow up 
6.1 Advocacy activities are evaluated as per the set plan 
6.2 Evaluation report is prepared as per organization policy. 
6.3 Recommendations are identified as per the evaluation report. 

7. Document advocacy and lobbying activities 
7.1 Documentation procedures are identified as per SOPs. 
7.2 Documents are Stored.
7.3 Documentation plan is prepared as per the organization policy.
7.4 Documentation tools are prepared as per organization policy
7.5 Documentation analysis is conducted as per the organization policy

This unit specifies the competencies required to facilitate the training of conducting community empowerment. It involves identifying community needs, determining the target group, developing empowerment plan, carrying out community mobilization, acquiring empowerment resources and carrying out community empowerment. It also entails evaluating empowerment programmers, preparing community empowerment report and conducting follow ups.   

These describe the key outcomes which make up workplace function. 
These are assessable statements which specify the required level of performance for each of the elements. 
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range

1.Identify community needs 
1.1Community leadership structures are identified as per SOPs. 
1.2 Introductory meetings with the community are conducted as per the organization policy. 
1.3A needs assessment plan and tools are developed as per the organization policy. 
1.4A needs assessment is conducted as per the organization policy. 

2.Determine the target group 
2.1A consultative meeting with the community is conducted as per the organization policy. 
2.2Selection criteria tool is developed in consultation with the community as per the organization policy. 
2.3Selection of the participant is carried out as per the selection criteria. 
2.4Confirmation of the target group is carried out as per the organization policy 

3.Develop empowerment plan 

 Relevant stakeholders are identified as per the needs of the community. 

 Stake holders meeting are conducted to discuss the empowerment plan as per the organization policy. 

 A time frame is formulated as per the plan 

Strategies and interventions are developed as per the empowerment plan. 

 Inputs of the plan of the plan are identified as per the organization policy. 

 Outputs of the plan are identified as per organization policy. 

Gather Results are gathered as per the organization policy. 

The indicators are identified as per the results gathered. 

4.Carry community mobilization  
Community planning meeting is conducted as per SOPs. 

Share empowerment plan as per SOPs. 

Role allocation is carried out as per the 
empowerment plan 

5.Acquire empowerment resources  
 Available resources are assessed as per the organization policy. 

 Resource gaps are identified as per SOPs 

 Resources are acquired as per the organization policy. 

6.Carry out community empowerment plan 
 Community empowerment plan is executed as per organization policy 

 Empowerment programs are monitored as per the organization policy. 

 Community empowerment report is prepared as per SOPs. 

7.Conduct follow up 
An impact assessment is conducted as per 

 The impacts are documented as per SOPs 

 Information is disseminated as per organization policy. 

This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect performance. 


1.Community leadership structures
May include but not limited to: 
religious leaders 
political leaders 
women leaders 
youth leaders 
person with disability 

2.Selection criteria tool
May include but not limited to: 
Literacy levels 

community members 
non-governmental organization 
well wishers 

This unit describes the competencies required to facilitate the training of coordinating community project. It involves mobilizing community members, identifying community project, formulating project management committee, planning and designing community project, identifying community project risks and carrying out project activities. It also entails monitoring community project, evaluating project activities, preparing community project report and undertaking project handing over.
These describe the key outcomes which make the workplace function 
These are assessable statements which specify the required level of performance for each of the elements. 
(Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range)
1.Mobilise community members 
1.1 Engagement with the community is initiated as per organization policy 
1.2 Gender assessment tools are developed as per SOPs 
1.3 Gender assessment is carried out as per SOPs. 
1.4 Community assessment is carried out as per organization policy. 
1.5 An inclusive project committee is selected as per organization policy. 
2.Identify community project 
2.1 Community mapping is carried out as per the project area 
2.2 Need assessment is carried out as per organization policy. 
2.3 Prioritization of the project with the greatest impact is carried out as per the need’s assessment. 
3.Formulate project management committee 
3.1 Formulate Terms of reference are formulated as per organization policy. 
 3.2 Selection criterion is developed as per the recommendations of the committee. 
3.3 Capacity assessment is carried out as per 
Organization policy. 
3.4 Capacity building is conducted as per organization policy. 
4.Plan and design community project
4.1 Root because analysis is conducted as per SOPs. 
4.2 Theory of Change is formulated as per SOPs. 
4.3 A log frame is developed as per organization policy 
4.4 A work plan is developed as per the project 
4.5 A project budget is formulated as per organization policy 
5.Identify community project risks 
5.1 Needs assessment is carried out as per SOPs
5.2 Risks are categorized as per the needs assessment. 
5.3 Possible mitigation measures are identified as per needs assessment 
6.Carryout project activities  
6.1 Community start up action is formulated as per organization policy. 
6.2 Baseline assessment is carried out as per organization policy 
6.3 Work plan is executed as per organization policy. 
7.Monitor community project 
7.1 Monitoring tools are developed as per SOPs
7.2 Reporting framework is established as per organization policy
7.3 Review of the project plan is carried out as per organization policy. 
7.4 Financial monitoring is carried out as per SOPs. 
7.5 Selection and documentation of human changes is carried out as per organization policy 
8.Evaluate project activities
8.1 Develop Evaluation tools are developed as SOPs 
per organization policy 
8.2 Planning is carried out as per organization policy 
8.3 Mid line evaluation is conducted as per organization policy  
8.4 End line evaluation is conducted as per organization policy. 
8.5 An impact assessment is carried out as per organization policy 
8.6 Evaluation report is prepared as per SOPs
9.Prepare community project report  
9.1 Narrative report is prepared as per SOPs. 
9.2 Financial report is prepared as per SOPs. 
10. Undertake project handing over. 
10.1 An exit strategy at the onset of the project is prepared. 
10.2 Community capacity for sustainability is established as per organization policy. 
10.3 Exit strategy is executed as per organization policy 
11.Carry out impact assessment 
11.1 impact assessment tools are developed as per organization policy 
11.2 assessment tools are implemented 
11.3 identification and engagement of external assessors 
11.4 report is prepared 
11.5 comparison between baseline and the impact 

This unit describes the competencies required to facilitate the training of managing community-based groups. It involves identifying target group, mobilizing target group, planning group meeting, organizing group leadership, developing group objectives, planning group activities, carrying out capacity assessment and carrying out group activities. It also entails monitoring, evaluating and documenting group activities.